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This template is more than just a framework: it contains a highly customized, in-depth Colobox framework. It is best suited for a business,company, portfolio site, blog, as well as many more common websites. The code is heavily commented for easy navigation
Whitewall 6+ Main Features
- All pages are built on the Blueprint Framework and Colorbox.
- The Index page includes a jQuery Custom Slider that is very customizable and easy to follow.
- All pages reference the Colorbox Plugin. Colorbox is an awesome framework and is used heavily in this design.
- Don’t worry; if you have never used Colorbox before it is very easy to manipulate/use.
- Heavily commented code for easy code navigation and flow.
- Custom designed Case Study pages found on the Portfolio Page
- Based on Colorbox and when the portfolio entry is clicked a “Case Study” box overlays with a white opacity.
- 5+ Unique Page Layouts
- More page layouts found in Colorbox pop-ins.
- Custom Font using Cufon.
- Layered PNG Files Included
- Don’t hate on Fireworks, these files open in Photoshop layered, also.
- Compatible in (IE 6, IE 7 , IE 8, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
- 6 Different Color Schemes
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- More page layouts found in Colorbox pop-ins.