Quantum. Responsive multipurpose landing page.

- Responsive grid. Perfect suit for desktop or any mobile device
- Fully bootstrap compatible
- Clean and minimal design
- All major browsers supported
- CSS3 Animations
- 3 Different sliders
- Lightbox plugin
- Google web fonts
- Clean and well commented code
The template uses Google API Fonts system. This means you don’t need to manage your own font files, all fonts will be read from Google server. Just refer inside the < head > tag your desired font (defaults: “helvetica”) and then go to stylez.css file and replace the string with your font ID. For more info and fonts check the following URL :
Icons used in this template are from iconsweets 2 package.
If you’re testing it locally in Chrome or Opera you wont be able to see the sliders section due to browser’s security policy. It works fine in Firefox for local testing.
v1.0 - Initial release // 29.08.2012
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