- WordPress 4.0.x Tested and Approved
- Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website – Envision is a multipurpose WordPress template. Build professional and modern websites. Control every pixel of this theme. Set your colors, background patterns, change fonts, change layouts for different pages.
- Powerful Mega Menus – There is no other theme which provides such a variety of menu types. You can crate mega menus splitted into columns and add images, videos, shortcodes or widget into menu items on the wordpress’ default menu management page.
- Unlimited Color Skin – You can create unlimited color skin with our new control panel. And you can use diffirent visual settings on per page. Also Envision has predefined color skin for your websites.
- Drag’n drop Content Composer – The Content Composer will save you tons of time working on the site content. You’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes by dropping content modules and widgets into your pages.
- Webfont Services Support – Envision supports all free and premium font services like Typekit, Fontdeck, Webtype, Google Web Fonts. You can use your custom font types on your websites.
- WooCommerce Ready – add your own Shop and sell anything from digital Goods to Coconuts.
- Built-inRTL Support
- WPML Ready – With Envision, there’s no need for concern over any type of language translation. Envision is completely ready to be translated in your language. It has two ways to translate your website into your language. Just translate the included language file and you’re set. Or use our Advanced Admin Panel to translate it. In addition to that it works perfectly fine with the WPML Multilanguage Plugin in case you want to run multiple languages at once.
- Revolution Slider included (15$ Value) – Envision includes a license of the amazing Revolution Slider Plugin (15$ Value included with Theme Purchase). This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.
- 1-Click Setup – Import demo pages, navigation menus, demo widgets, predefined color skin, demo sliders and theme options with one click.
- Configuration Wizard – Don’t get lost. Only follow the configuration wizard’s instructions on the control panel, and build your website easliy and quickly.
- Retina Ready – Envision is absolutley future proof. All assets are selected with care so they look great on high pixel desnity devices like iPads, iPhone, Android Devices, Retina Mac Book etc. It looks good on any device.
- Responsive Design – Envision can automatically adapt to many screen sizes thanks to its responsive capabilities. Try resizing your browser window to see the adaptation. Now people can easily browse your site using smartphones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers.
- Brandable Control Panel – With the control panel you can replace any sign of CloudFw in your WordPress backend with your own logo and custom styling. Perfect for designers & developers for client work.
- Entrance Effects – Envision has an advanced effect system. It’s easy to use – You can almost make all page elements animated using Entrance Effect widget via the content composer and insert contents into the widget.
- Smart Fullpage Pre-Loader – Envision supports smart preloader.
- Smooth Scrolling – Envision has a smooth scrolling script.
- 1500+ Vector Icons – Font Awesome + Premium Icomoon Icons ($59 Value) – Colorable, Resizable Vector Icons.
- Font Awesome Icon Set Integration – We have fully integrated the entire Font Awesome Icon Set with Envision. Each icon can easily be used via shortcodes or the content composer. Juct click the shortcode button, then insert the name of the icon you want to use and you’re done! Users can set icon sizes. And the shortcode also allows you use the icons with or without a circle behind them, and you can also change the icon color, circle color and circle border directly in the shortcode!
- Sticky Header – Have you ever been at the bottom of a webpage and wanted to go to another page, but didn’t want to scroll all the way back up to the top to select a menu item? With Envision’s sticky header, you no longer have to do that. Your main menu and logo will always be at the top of the screen, automatically following when you scroll. This makes it much easier for your viewers to quickly navigate through your site. And you can easily turn the sticky header on or off in our advanced theme options panel.
- 8 Special Box Shadows (Click for demo) – You don’t need any image editing application to set the box shadow effect to page elements. Only select your effect on the page composer and It will do this for you.
- Custom Google Maps – Using only the theme options panel you can customize the entire look of your maps. Change color, upload custom maker icon(also allows multiple maker), choose between simple and rich interfaces.
- 20+ Prebuilt Pages – Envision has a lot of sample layout and pages for your website. You can use the pre-built pages that created by us for demo site with a few click. (Home (8X), About, Service, FAQ, Pricing, Jobs, Portfolio, Features, Contact and more!)
- Unlimited Sidebars – You can create unlimited number of sidebars.
- One Click Theme Upgrader – Envision has a built-in upgrade system. It will notice you when the new version released. The just click to the upgrade button.
- Cross-Browser Compatibility – FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE8, IE9, IE10
- Advanced Blog Options – Choose from 11 different design styles and have as many individual blog pages as you wish! Each page can use a left/right sidebar or be full width with no sidebar, 4 post typves (video, sideshow, audio, image), use pagination, set a premium slider to show, manually reorder posts, awesome rollover effects, set custom Featured Image size per page, Auto generated thumbnails, specify the number of items per page, Automatic pagination, Tons of options to add or remove meta data and more!
- Advanced Portfolio Options – Choose from 3 different layout styles along with 1-4 column portfolio layouts. Classic layout style, Carousel layout style and the all new Masonry Grids layout style! You can have unlimited portfolio pages each with a different layout! Assign custom categories per portfolio page, manually reorder posts, awesome rollover effects, Full or Half-Width Detail Page, use a sidebar on portfolio page and on single post page, use images, slideshows, & videos, set custom Featured Image size per post, Auto generated thumbnails, specify the number of items per page, Automatic pagination, Sortable/filterable categories! And new options are being added all the time!
- Advanced Typography Options
- Wide & Boxed Layout Versions – Envision supports Wide and Boxed Layouts through the theme options panel. For the Boxed Layout version you can set a global background plus individual backgrounds for each page and your backgrounds can be patterns, solid colors or even full-width images.
- Child Theme Support – For easy customization, that is not affected by theme updates.
- Video Tutorials – We have created multiple video tutorials that quickly and accurately walk you through using the theme. All videos are in high definition with narration. With these great videos, and our extensive documentation, you will be able quickly and easily setup your new theme!
- Dedicated Support Centre – We have dedicated support centre for our users to visit. Simply fill out a ticket and we will get you an answer as quickly as possible.
- Wider Layout Option – Envision is coming with Bootstrap 1170px Responsive layout. You can switch to 960px if you want.
- Well organized, commented & clean code
- Valid HTML5
- Version 2.2.1 (Apr 25, 2015)
- Fixed: The logo image issue.
- Fixed: Padding issue of the header on mobile.
- Fixed: Mobile menu padding issue.
- Fixed: Unnecessary paragraphs from get_content shortcode.
- Fixed: A layout issue on blog pages.
- Version 2.2.0 (Apr 23, 2015)
- Added: WordPress 4.5.x support.
- Added: WooCommerce 2.5.5 support.
- Added: Revolution Slider 5.2.5.
- Added: Quick View button for WooCommerce products.
- Added: Hover/alternative thumbnail support for WooCommerce categories.
- Added: Multilingual logo image support (Works with String Translation plugin of WPML)
- Added: cloudfw_post_metas, cloudfw_skin_create_file_url, cloudfw_allowed_excerpt_tags hooks.
- Added: Boxed Media + Content widget to the shortcode generator.
- Added: New buttons styles for the remove buttons in the cart widgets.
- Improved: Page loading speed by moving all css files to header and all javascript files to footer.
- Improved: Rich Snippet compatibility and fixed a few minor errors.
- Improved: Mobile navigation menu layout.
- Improved: Sharrre script performance.
- Improved: Category select list style.
- Improved: Google Analytics embed codes for async loading.
- Improved: Lightbox layout for mobile devices.
- Fixed: Alt image error in the Image Gallery widget.
- Fixed: Image disappearing issue in the boxed content widget.
- Fixed: Some layout issues in checkout & cart pages on RTL mode.
- Fixed: get_currentuserinfo deprecated function messages in WordPress 4.5.
- Fixed: https:// links issue in the Twitter widget.
- Fixed: A conflict between the tabs widget and side panel script.
- Fixed: Minor bugs and a few warning messages.
- Version 2.1.0 (Jan 23, 2015)
- Added: WooCommerce 2.5 support.
- Added: SEO by Yoast version 3.x compatibility.
- Added: An option to the custom login pages plugin to select the default state of remember me checkbox.
- Fixed: A bug when importing/exporting theme settings.
- Fixed: Php infinite loop issue when the blog widget is used in a blog post.
- Fixed: The custom login pages plugin redirection issue on WordPress 4.4.
- Fixed: A minor issue in the shortcode generator.
- Fixed: Z-index issue of the colorpicker on control panel.
- Fixed: A bug with the pagination option of blog widget.
- Fixed: Twitter share button.
- Fixed: Translatable texts/fields of woocommerce login form in my account page.
- Fixed: Font size issue in BBPress plugin.
- Fixed: A minor bug with the accordions widget.
- Fixed: A bug with the navigation menu in mobile devices.
- Fixed: A bug with variable products.
- Improved: Loading speed of google web fonts and custom fonts.
- Version (Nov 16, 2015)
- Added: WordPress 4.4 support.
- Added: WooCommerce 2.4.10 support.
- Added: Revolution Slider 5.1.2.
- Added: Title bar text support for BBPress forum pages.
- Added: New option to move slider before the header area.
- Added: Auto-rotate and rotate time settings for Porfolio widget.
- Added: Flag support for top level item of the language switcher.
- Added: New option to disable all image links on the gallery widget.
- Added: HTML code support for Google Map popups.
- Added: Library button for mega menu images.
- Added: Mp4 video support for PrettyPhoto lightboxes.
- Added: New theme hooks(cloudfw_wc_gallery_column_width, cloudfw_wc_gallery_column_height, cloudfw_wc_gallery_item_width, cloudfw_wc_gallery_item_height, cloudfw_portfolio_related_atts)
- Added: Language files translated into Russian(80%) by motor721.
- Fixed: A bug with title bars.
- Fixed: A bug with fullwidth containers on boxed site layout.
- Fixed: Default marker image url of Google Map on SSL mode.
- Fixed: Visibility setting of the theme control panel.
- Fixed: Posts per page setting in WooCommerce shortcodes.
- Fixed: A bug with zooming function of product galleries.
- Fixed: A bug with navigation function of product galleries.
- Fixed: A bug with blog posts pagination.
- Fixed: A bug on the opacity selector.
- Fixed: A bug on the content composer.
- Fixed: A minor bug on the admin area.
- Fixed: A warning message on grid layouts.
- Fixed: A bug with default font types.
- Fixed: Importable slider files for Revolution Slider 5.
- Fixed: Deprecated WP_Widget functions.
- Improved: Compatibility with Contact Form 7.
- Improved: Column size of vertical product galleries on single product pages.
- Version (Aug 18, 2015)
- Added: WooCommerce 2.4.x support.
- Added: Vetical gallery layout for Product pages.
- Added: YITH WooCommerce Compare and YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugins support.
- Added: Position option for Side Panels. It supports left and right sides.
- Added: Translate support for Porfolio Category and Filter taxonomies.
- Added: “transparent” support for color selectors on theme control panel.
- Added: New image resizing class: bfi_thumb
- Added: Caption and disable on mobile options for carousel widget.
- Added: (YARPP) Yet another related posts plugin support for related blog posts.
- Added: Multiple author filter for blog posts widget.
- Added: cloudfw_comments_max_depth, cloudfw_single_post_after_related_posts, cloudfw_blog_metas_array, cloudfw_blog_likes_array, cloudfw_blog_posts_query and cloudfw_blog_posts_args hooks for blog class.
- Added: New option to set the title position on single blog pages.
- Added: New option to add custom content before/after blog titles.
- Added: Global option to disable featured media on single blog pages.
- Added: Button color options for the buttons on Cart and Checkout pages.
- Added: Random sorting and auto-rotate options for gallery widget.
- Added: Caption setting for Single image widget.
- Added: Translate setting for the close button on ligthboxes.
- Added: Shortcode support for custom contents before/after page contents.
- Added: WPML String Translation support for Next, Previous, Close texts.
- Fixed: Navigation arrow issue on carousel section of product galleries.
- Fixed: Pagination bug for woocommerce shortcodes.
- Fixed: scrollwheel setting for google map widget on mobile.
- Fixed: Parallax bug on section widget.
- Fixed: Pagination urls issue with add_query_arg function.
- Fixed: WooCommerce tabs bug on product page.
- Fixed: Minor issues and bugs.
- Improved: Rich Snippet compatibility.
- Improved: Video shortcode for classic editor of wordpress.
- Improved: Compatibility of Retina image functions with cache plugins.
- Improved: Twitter API for speed. It’s been moved to footer area.
- Updated: FlexSlider to v2.5.0.
- Updated: Revolution Slider to v5
- Removed: sanitize_html_class filter from tab ids.
- Version (Apr 27, 2015)
- Added: WooCommerce 2.3.8 support.
- Added: Layer Slider support.
- Added: Offset option for blog widget.
- Added: New options for sidebar blog widget.
- Added: Auto rotate option for product list widget.
- Added: Image cropping and entrance effect options for gallery widget.
- Added: Loading image to woocommerce checkout page.
- Added: cloudfw_after_header, cloudfw_after_header_{post_type}, cloudfw_woocommerce_loop_footer_action_before, cloudfw_woocommerce_loop_footer_action_after and cloudfw_woocommerce_loop_footer hooks.
- Fixed: Security vulnerability in wordpress for add_query_arg and remove_query_arg functions. Details: http://bit.ly/1DsAF1z
- Fixed: A minor bug with category titles on the titlebar area.
- Fixed: Warning messages on plugin installation pages.
- Fixed: Minor style bugs.
- Updated: TGM Plugin Activation class to the version 2.5.0
- Improved: Rich snippet compatibility for breadcrumb links.
- Improved: Child theme support for style files.
- Version (Feb 22, 2015)
- Fixed: Form saving issue on the content composer.
- Fixed: Sub level navigation arrow and menu position in rtl mode.
- Fixed: Search form action url for ssl mode.
- Version (Feb 21, 2015)
- Fixed: Form saving issue on the visual setting page.
- Fixed: Google Web Fonts loading issue.
- Fixed: Client list auto rotate time issue.
- Improved: The compatibility of jQuery waypoints library with 3rd party plugins.
- Added: Revolution Slider version 4.6.5.
- Version 2.0.9 (Feb 19, 2015)
- Added: WooCommerce 2.3.x support. (This update needs minimum WooCommerce 2.3)
- Added: Revolution Slider version 4.6.3.
- Added: Option to change navigation menu fire event. (It supports hover or click events)
- Added: Hover style settings for the boxed content widget.
- Added: Responsive height settings for the boxed content widget.
- Added: New option to set site title layout.
- Added: New option to change seperator char in site titles.
- Added: Child theme support for language files.
- Added: Auto alternative text value support for the single image widget.
- Added: Pagination support for Page Selector UI element.
- Added: An option to enable/disable multiple filter selecting for portfolios.
- Added: An option to enable/disable navigation arrows in carousel layout.
- Added: Auto rotation support for gallery type blog posts.
- Added: Archive, Tags, By Author and Related Posts texts to the translate page on the control panel and WPML String translation page.
- Added: No follow link support for portfolio posts.
- Added: Link target support for portfolio posts.
- Added: Orderby and order attributes for related_portfolios shortcode.
- Added: Logical condition settings for the top bar menu area.
- Added: cloudfw_portfolio_menu_position hook to change menu position for portfolio post type.
- Added: A global option to disable title bar area.
- Added: Hover button color and icon settings for the Gallery widget.
- Added: Filter by Category setting for WooCommerce widget.
- Added: Link target option for the single image widget.
- Added: #sidepanel hashtag support to open a side panel via a link (Ex: #sidepanel=ui--side-content-widget-1).
- Improved: Search function for post datas.
- Improved: Dynamic css filenames for wp multisites.
- Improved: Rich snippets support for search engines.
- Improved: cloudfw_translate function.
- Fixed: Portfolio filters issue in Hebrew languages.
- Fixed: Issue with translated portfolio page title and link in breadcrumb.
- Fixed: Language switcher modules to display native language names.
- Fixed: Border radius issue on hover for top level navigation items.
- Fixed: Image visibility issue in the boxed media widget in mobile mode.
- Fixed: Side panel issue in old versions of Internet Explorer.
- Fixed: An error message in post preview mode.
- Fixed: Custom style issues in 404 page.
- Fixed: Category descriptions in title bar area.
- Fixed: Porfolio columns setting.
- Fixed: Contact Form 7 list issue.
- Fixed: Slider UI element issue in the admin area.
- Fixed: cloudfw_let_to_num function.
- Fixed: Inside shadow issue with fullwidth sections.
- Fixed: Auto-rotate time issue on the twitter widget.
- Fixed: Isotope function conflicts with some 3rd party plugins.
- Fixed: Blank space issue at the left side when scrolling page in rtl mode.
- Fixed: Footer widgets sorting in rtl mode.
- Fixed: Pricing table features position in rtl mode.
- Fixed: Navigation menu position issue in rtl mode.
- Fixed: Some alignment issues on the control panel in rtl mode.
- Fixed: Minor issues.
- Version 2.0.8 (Nov 10, 2014)
- Added: Youtube and Vimeo video support for the video background widget.
- Added: Parallax effect option for video backgrounds.
- Added: Google Rich Snippets(schema.org) support for SEO. (This feature is currently in beta)
- Added: Auto-rotate option to the blog posts widget.
- Added: Offset option to smooth scrolling function.
- Added: No margin columns widget to the content composer.
- Fixed: Some modal buttons on the theme control panel and the slider management page.
- Fixed: Sub navigation menu vertical position issue on some mobile devices.
- Fixed: Minor issues.
- Improved: post-thumbnails compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
- Version 2.0.7 (Nov 03, 2014)
- Added: Smooth scroll support to create one page websites. (Just use ”#to:DOM_ELEMENT_ID” for the links to navigate to a page section/element)
- Added: Aspect ratio option for the featured images on single blog post pages.
- Added: Custom content support to add custom content before/after posts lists on blog category pages.
- Added: cloudfw_detect_image_folder_src and cloudfw_detect_image_folder hooks.
- Added: cloudfw_primary_navigation_location hooks.
- Added: Author’s name and description to the author pages.
- Added: By Author filter to the blog posts widget.
- Added: By Author filter to the blog posts widget.
- Added: Link target option for portfolio posts.
- Added: Link no-follow option for portfolio posts.
- Added: Auto rotate carousel option for portfolio posts.
- Added: posts_per_page and show_caption attributes for related portfolio posts shortcode.
- Added: No-follow link support for Social service buttons.
- Added: Typography settings for each tab styles.
- Added: An option to enable/disable the sticky footer.
- Added: Combination support for portfolio filters.
- Fixed: Array link issue on the social buttons.
- Fixed: Featured images issue with WooCommerce 2.2.x
- Fixed: Page redirection issue after importing setting file via the theme control panel.
- Fixed: Next/Previous arrows on single blog posts in RTL mode.
- Fixed: An error message with SEO by Yoast plugin.
- Fixed: Blog gallery height issue.
- Fixed: Left/Right page margins on Tablets mode.
- Fixed: Header container shadow issue with parallax containers.
- Fixed: An issue with prettyPhoto script.
- Fixed: Minor issues.
- Improved: Sticky header function.
- Improved: Compatibility of the current page selector function, which works on the primary navigation menu, with WPML.
- Improved: Price texts style for WooCommerce variable products.
- Improved: The language switcher module.
- Improved: Compatibility with popular event plugins.
- Updated: All template files for the latest version of WooCommerce
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to the version 4.6.3
- Version 2.0.6 (Sep 11, 2014)
- Added: Wordpress 4.0 support
- Added: WooCommerce 2.2 support (you have to upgrade WooCommerce plugin to the version 2.2 to use it with this version of the theme)
- Added: Page analyze support for SEO by yoast plugin.
- Added: New Parallax function to improve the performance. (Also, new parallax effect looks better)
- Added: New Logical Conditions(User Roles) for menu items.
- Added: Right icon option to the Text Block + Icon widget.
- Added: Background image option for the header in sticky mode.
- Added: Background image option for the header in overlap mode.
- Added: New visual settings for the active/current menu items in mega menus.
- Added: Author descriptions to the titlebar in author.php file.
- Added: Share the post support for blog posts lists
- Added: RTL support to the footer widgetized areas.
- Added: Not found message to search results page.
- Added: Post count message to search results page.
- Added: Custom content support for WooCommerce catalog and category pages. (You can add your custom contents before/after product lists)
- Added: A new option to enable searching for the content composer contents.
- Added: Sorting support for portfolio filters.
- Added: Multiple author selection for the “Who can see the theme control panel and slider manager?” options.
- Added: An option to select a button color for the overlay containers in portfolio pages.
- Added: An option to select a button color WooCommerce “Add to cart” buttons and “Price” tags.
- Added: Featuted image titles to alt attributes for blog posts list.
- Added: New option to change the position of archive page descriptions.
- Added: Font options for the medium size of buttons.
- Added: Hover color option to the headings widget.
- Added: Xing icon to the social services.
- Added: “Include retweets” and “exclude replies” options to the Twitter widget.
- Added: Mp3 source field for Html5 audio player.
- Added: Mini blog layout to the layout option list in the blog category settings page.
- Fixed: Modal close buttons on the admin area.
- Fixed: WPML taxonomy/category lists. (It will list taxonomies and categories for all languages)
- Fixed: Minor bugs and margin issues in RTL mode.
- Fixed: input/textarea placeholder position issue in RTL mode.
- Fixed: Minor bugs in CloudFw options pages.
- Fixed: Pagination links in the single blog pages.
- Fixed: p tags in the box shadow function of the theme.
- Fixed: title_bottom and title_bottom_alt shortcodes.
- Fixed: Some javascript issues in IE9.
- Improved: Parallax function for iOS devices.
- Improved: RTL support for the theme control panel.
- Changed: Mega menu columns limit to 6 columns.
- Changed: max_input_vars warning message showing function. (It’ll be shown when the limit is reached)
- Updated: Some texts in the WooCommerce files.
- Updated: jPlayer plugin to the version 2.6.0
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to the version 4.6.0
- Version 2.0.5 (July 01, 2014)
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to the version 4.5.6
- Added: New background image and overlay option to the Boxed Content widget.
- Added: New height options to the Boxed Content widget for the responsive layout.
- Added: No Navigation Menu page layout.
- Added: New visual options for current sub level menu items.
- Added: New layout options for sticky headers.
- Added: New option to show/hide logo image in sticky headers.
- Added: Post revisions support for the content composer.
- Added: User capability option for built-in slider manager pages of the theme.
- Added: New post excerpt count method. (Also, this fixes post excerpts issue in some languages like Chinese)
- Added: Default section style option.
- Added: Multiple posts pagination support in the same page. (To enable it, you should set a custom querystring for posts loops via widget settings in the content composer)
- Added: cloudfw_menu_locations hook.
- Added: cloudfw_primary_navigation_end_lvl hook.
- Added: cloudfw_before_footer_content hook to enable/disable before footer content via this hook.
- Added: Link target option to the Icon Boxes widget.
- Added: Sub level menu direction option for sticky header.
- Fixed: Some conflicts with slider navigation arrows and bullets in the latest version of Revolution Slider
- Fixed: the conflict in wooCommerce shortcode widget in catalog and product category pages.
- Fixed: Warning message in additional-information.php file of woocommerce.
- Fixed: Displaying sidebar issue in password protected pages.
- Fixed: Double page titles issue with 3rd party SEO plugins.
- Fixed: Audio player issue in some iOS devices.
- Version (June 06, 2014)
- Fixed: The cloudfw_get_page_content issue in bbpress forum pages.
- Fixed: The button shortcode/widget lightbox link issue.
- Fixed: Zoom function for the product galleries that has only one image.
- Added: cloudfw_side_panel_(n) filter to enable/disable side panels for specific pages.
- Version 2.0.4 (June 05, 2014)
- Fixed: z-index issue for the zoom window in the product galleries.
- Added: Inner zoom type option for the product galleries.
- Added: Lightbox link option for the button widget.
- Added: Full-height section option.
- Added: An option to enable/disable the header overlapping feature for each page.
- Added: Layout option for the header overlapping feature.
- Version 2.0.3 (June 04, 2014)
- Added: Specific Category options for WooCommerce – You can set page layouts, skins, titlebar texts and styles for each product category pages.
- Added: Zoom functionality for the product galleries.
- Added: Thumbnail image size options to the control panel.
- Added: Image support for Pinterest share button.
- Added: Go to Cart page option for the mini cart in the navigation menu on the sticky mode.
- Added: Lightbox link support for the Button widgets.
- Added: HTML support for the Google Map popup messages.
- Added: System status page to the theme control panel.
- Added: User-friendly max_input_vars warning message.
- Added: Auto text format option for the boxed content widgets.
- Added: Auto link support for the Twitter widget.
- Added: An option to enable/disable the header overlapping mode via the visual sets.
- Added: Some texts to WPML String Translation page.
- Added: Background settings for the active navigation menu items.
- Added: Hover background options for the top bar widget links.
- Fixed: Custom 404 page issue.
- Fixed: Post excerpt length issue in the blog category pages.
- Fixed: Dynamic skin file issue in secured pages(ssl) pages.
- Fixed: Blog page breadcrumb issue.
- Fixed: WooCommerce strange content issue in the product archive pages.
- Fixed: Tab title align issue for the RTL mode.
- Fixed: Some minor css issues.
- Updated: WooCommerce files for the version 2.1.9
- Version 2.0.2 (Apr 29, 2014)
- Added: New articles and video tutorials to the theme documentation.
- Added: Custom skin support for WooCommerce pages.
- Added: Custom title bar style support for WooCommerce pages.
- Fixed: Custom 404 Page
- Fixed: Multilanguage support to the title and the description area in the title bar.
- Fixed: The warning message in the comment form.
- Fixed: Mega menu position issue in the header style #2
- Fixed: Excerpt on/off option in the Blog List widget.
- Fixed: SKU displaying issue in WooCommerce product pages.
- Improved: Appearance > Widgets page performance.
- Improved: Theme style resource files are reordered.
- Version 2.0.1 (Apr 16, 2014)
- Added: New option to enable/disable zooming function in mobile devices.
- Fixed: Header overlapping mode issue in mobile devices.
- Fixed: Text rotator script effects (disabled some of them) for old version of Internet Explorer.
- Version 2.0.0 (Apr 15, 2014)
- Added: New header options.
- Added: New navigation menu options.
- Added: New visual options for the header on sticky mode.
- Added: Header & content overlapping option.
- Added: Button color setting for Mailchimp widget.
- Added: Target and lightbox option for client list items.
- Added: WooCommerce 2.1.7 support.
- Added: Hook to disable all titlebars.
- Added: No follow attribute for Twitter links.
- Added: Items text to woocommerce translate page.
- Added: Profile link option for the custom login plugin.
- Added: Redirect options for the custom login plugin.
- Added: An option to show/hide the “Lost password?” link in the custom login form.
- Added: Logical condition options for nav menu items.
- Added: Forum description support for BBPRess forum pages.
- Added: Ajax support for the Content Composer loader.
- Added: cloudfw_reset_raw_options_map function.
- Added: New texts to the translate page of the theme.
- Added: SSL support for post sharing widgets.
- Added: Multilanguage support for the side panel title and contents.
- Added: woocommerce_sale_flash hook to the theme files for the compatibility of 3rd party plugins.
- Added: 8 columns support for the client lists widget.
- Improved: Page titles for SEO.
- Fixed: Mobile menu toogle will be hidden if there is no menu.
- Fixed: Some minor rtl issues.
- Fixed: Drag drop image upload issue.
- Fixed: Search key title bar issue.
- Fixed: Category selection issue in the blog widget.
- Fixed: Memory issue in the theme shortcode generator.
- Fixed: An issue in a core file of the skin creator.
- Fixed: Some css issues in the admin area.
- Fixed: Video background widget for IE8.
- Fixed: The language switcher in nav menu module option saving issue.
- Fixed: Testimonials widget unclosed html tag.
- Fixed: text-rendering issue in Android 2.3.x
- Updated: Revolution Slider to the version 4.3.5
- Version (Feb 19, 2014)
- Fixed: Minor bugs with WooCommerce 2.1
- Fixed: Deprecated functions and variables for WooCommerce 2.1
- Fixed: Javascript issue with WooCommerce tabs
- Version (Feb 19, 2014)
- Added: WooCommerce 2.1 Compatibility
- Version (Feb 14, 2014)
- Hotfix: Auto update function of wordpress has been disabled for the theme.
- Version (Feb 05, 2014)
- Hotfix: WordPress auto updater issue fixed.
- Fixed: Admin menu icons
- Version (Feb 03, 2014)
- Fixed: Minor issues for the old versions of IE
- Version 1.0.8 (Jan 22, 2014)
- Added: NEW Custom Login Pages plugin – Also, it works without WooCommerce.
- Added: Avatar support for the topbar login widgets.
- Added: Multiple Side Panels support.
- Added: Full page height option for the Video/Image Background containers.
- Added: Background Image style option for Video/Image Background widget.
- Added: Hover background color options for Buttons.
- Added: Specific Category options – You can set page layouts, skins, titlebar texts and styles for each category page.
- Added: Go to Up button module.
- Added: New options to set the horizontal gap for the top level navigation menu items.
- Added: Button color option for the Blog Lists.
- Added: Floating option for the Single Image widget.
- Added: 6 columns option for the Catalog Pages.
- Added: Thumbnail list style for the Mini Blog Lists.
- Added: List style option for the Blog List widget.
- Added: New visual options for the Message Boxes.
- Added: New visual options for the Contact Form Error and Success messages.
- Added: Content Composer support for WooCommerce Product pages.
- Added: Link target option for Portfolio Posts.
- Added: Toogle widget to the shortcode generator.
- Added: Allow Comments for The Page? option.
- Added: Content area backround image options.
- Fixed: Responsive Video and Images issue in bbPress Forum pages.
- Fixed: Password Protected page contents issue.
- Fixed: RTL issues in IE9.
- Fixed: Comment Form error message in Pages and Portfolio posts.
- Fixed: Javascript issue for the Slider/Gallery widgets in the shortcode generator.
- Fixed: HTML5 Videos disabled for feed contents.
- Changed: Video backgrounds widget name with Video/Image Background and moved under the Layouts category in the content composer.
- Improved: Ajax-based navigation menu options – This will improve the compatibility with max_input_vars option of php.
- Updated: Revolution Slider to the version 4.1.4
- Version 1.0.7 (Jan 03, 2014)
- Added: Catalog Mode option for WooCommerce.
- Added: New module to add the language selector into the navigation menu.
- Added: Comment Form texts into the built-in translator of the theme.
- Added: All static texts, in the blog pages, into the built-in translator of the theme.
- Added: Gradient background feature for the content area.
- Added: API Key support for the Google Maps widget
- Added: Animation Loop(Infinite Carousels) option to the Carousel widgets.
- Added: 90+ New visual options for more customizability.
- Added: New visual options for the Global Page Preloader.
- Added: New visual options for the Blog, Portfolio and Product grids.
- Added: New visual options for the Testimonials widget.
- Added: New visual options for the Twitter widget.
- Added: Title attribute for Button widget.
- Added: .svg file type support for the file uploader.
- Added: Support of using of the Content Composer widgets and shortcodes in the Accordions widget.
- Added: Margin-left option for the Icon Text widget.
- Added: Lightbox link support for the Text Block + Icon widget.
- Added: Title/heading element option for single blog post pages.
- Added: Style codes for the List custom taxonomy widget.
- Improved: The control panel UI for more compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
- Improved: The video backgrounds centering function.
- Fixed: The header navigation sorting for the RTL languages.
- Fixed: Lightbox links for the old versions of IE.
- Version 1.0.6 (Dec 11, 2013)
- Added: BBPress Forums compatibility.
- Added: Parallax effects for fullwidth sections and title bars.
- Added: RTL support
- Added: RTL support for Child Theme
- Added: Logical Conditions widget.
- Added: Fixed item option for Accordion widget.
- Added: New option for orginal image/video aspect ratio.
- Added: New option to enable/disable Lightbox links for Single Image widget.
- Added: New option to set the user capability for the Save/Load Templates buttons in the content composer.
- Added: New option to set the user capability for the Pre-Built Pages button in the content composer.
- Added: New options to change portfolio-category, portfolio-tag and portfolio-filter slugs.
- Added: ID and Class attribute options for Columns widget.
- Added: New visual option for the color of current page navigation item.
- Updated: Revolution Slider to the version 4.1.1
- Updated: Aqua Resizer to the version 1.2.0
- Updated: Google Maps jquery script to the version 2.1.5
- Fixed: The google maps marker issue.
- Fixed: Offset issue for Sticky Top Bars.
- Fixed: Issues with the old versions of Internet Explorer.
- Fixed: Square brackets ([,]) issue for the next / previous post links.
- Fixed: Minor bugs on the control panel.
- Version (Dec 1, 2013)
- Added: CloudFlare Minifier Compability
- Added: New layout without header and footer
- Added: Custom link option for the site logo
- Fixed: Header background image issue
- Fixed: Clients List widget carousel issue
- Fixed: Navigation menu dropdown issue on iOS devices
- Version 1.0.5 (Nov 27, 2013)
- Updated: Revolution Slider to the version 4.0.5
- Added: WordPress 3.8(beta) Compability
- Added: Specific logo for header when sticky mode on.
- Added: Sticky topbar support.
- Added: New options to set offset for the sticky headers.
- Added: Custom Menu Support for the user login widget.
- Added: Global option to show/hide blog featured images.
- Added: Icon support for the Accordion widget.
- Added: New portfolio sorting option.
- Added: New option to use default image size on single blog posts.
- Added: An option to hide the sub items of the login drop-down menu widget.
- Added: New widget/shortcode “Like this Page”.
- Added: New option to disable side panel for the cart widget on the top bar.
- Added: Alt and title attribute for Boxed Media Contents.
- Added: New typography option to change the font size in sidebars.
- Added: New option to set global default page layout.
- Added: New options to select button color of side panel handler/close buttons.
- Added: New visual options to set custom fallout menu background and border.
- Added: New visual options to set custom mega menu background and border.
- Added: New visual options to set top bar menu background.
- Added: New visual options to set global content background.
- Added: New visual options to set only text color in the sidebars.
- Added: New visual options for mobile menu and mobile menu toggle.
- Added: New visual options for the texts in side panels.
- Added: Gradient background support for header backgrounds.
- Added: Sticky post text for translation.
- Added: Custom code areas on the before/after single blog posts
- Added: New style (plain text style) for the Twitter widget.
- Added: New option to show/hide carousel navigation arrows for the Twitter widget.
- Added: New option to insert a custom page content above the footer for all pages.
- Added: New option to set title and alt attibutes for the Boxed Media Content Widget.
- Added: Custom code support for Single Blog Post pages (after/before content and post).
- Fixed: WordPress Multisite mime types issue when occurred generating dynamic style files.
- Fixed: Sticky header height issue on some devices.
- Fixed: Twitter OAuth issue on some servers.
- Fixed: Placeholder image issue.
- Fixed: Custom fontface font importing issue.
- Fixed: IE10 Galleries in Lightbox.
- Fixed: IE10 Video Background.
- Fixed: Image resizer for absoulute paths.
- Fixed: Woocommerce Cart Table width on mobile devies.
- Fixed: Custom Side Panel button visibility option.
- Fixed: The List widget issue when occurred used in the Accordion widget.
- Fixed: Smooth scroll script speed for Mac OSX / Chrome
- Fixed: Minor issues.
- Updated: Language Files.
- Version 1.0.4 (Nov 11, 2013)
- Updated: Revolution Slider to the latest version (4.0.4) (How to upgrade)
- Added: New option to enable/disable the lightbox on mobile devices.
- Added: New option for selecting titlebar text heading element.
- Added: New option to enable/disable custom select elements.
- Added: One column footer option.
- Added: Close button option for the side panels.
- Added: Visual option for setting top/bottom margins in boxed layout.
- Added: New list style for Sub Pages widget.
- Added: Gravity Forms Support.
- Added: Option to enable/disable custom select elements on Gravity Forms.
- Added: Title and alt attribute option to Single Image widget for seo purpose.
- Added: Title and alt attribute option to Clients List widget for seo purpose.
- Added: Title and alt attribute option to Testimonial widget for seo purpose.
- Added: Title and alt attribute option to some widgets in the content composer.
- Added: Entrance effect ability to Message Boxes.
- Fixed: Video background posters to fit parent container.
- Fixed: Login widget in the sidepanel appearing issues on the woocommerce cart/checkout pages.
- Fixed: Woocommerce product list table width on mobile devices.
- Fixed: Woocommerce messages background issue.
- Fixed: Header element in mini blog lists layout.
- Fixed: Smoothscroll function.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
- Version (Nov 6, 2013)
- NEW FEATURE: New option to “Clients List” widget in the content composer for sorting random/default.
- Added: PSD file for homepage design.
- Added: New article to the theme documentation / How to move your website to another server smoothly.
- Added: New article to the theme documentation / Setting Up the Side Panel.
- Fixed: The shortcode issue of the side panel content that occurred when the content generating without the content composer.
- Fixed: “Add to Cart” button for Internet Explorer 9.
- Fixed: Socialbar mail icon target blank issue.
- Fixed: Some codes for HTML5 validation.
- Improved: Breadcrumb styles with dark backgrounds.
- Version 1.0.3 (Nov 5, 2013)
- NEW FEATURE: Added an option to hide sidebars on small screens.
- NEW FEATURE: Added an option to show/hide featured images on single blog post pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Added ajax support for mini WooCommerce carts widget (If you use a page cache plugin, you may need this feature)
- Optimized: javascript files to improve loading speed of pages.
- Optimized: style files to improve loading speed of pages.
- Optimized: static images in the theme to improve loading speed of pages.
- Optimized: Socialbar widget sprite images.
- Fixed: CSS Entrance effects on mobile devices.
- Fixed: Side panel witdh issue.
- Fixed: WooCommerce select element issue.
- Fixed: Some minor bugs.
- Version (Nov 2, 2013)
- Updated: Theme Documentation
- Fixed: Sticky header issue
- Version 1.0.2 (Oct 31, 2013)
- Added: dummy posts XML files.
- Fixed: “Cannot modify header” error message that occurs when saving options.
- Version 1.0.1 (Oct 30, 2013)
- Fixed: “Cannot modify header” error message that occurs when saving options.
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