Please asking for help in support if you got problem with template. I can’t reply or contact through rating system if you go straight to rate instead of asking for help first you will waste the time/money with out getting any helps because I can’t contact you.
Various cover style combine with color scheme. make your newsletter more gorgeous. Want your own image for cover right? just replace and image link at a few code line and done. (more info in document file).
- Template Builder by Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, and MyMail
- Compatible with FreshMail
- 6 color style (Blue, Cyan, Brown, Dark, Purple, Green.)
- Commented HTML.
- Flexible table structure (delete/copy/replace).
- Responsive for your mobile device.
- Cover image style template
- 2 style Price package
- Advanced lossy compression for all PNG images(reduce png file size 70%+)
- Compatible with StampReady you can try using Template builder here
- Compatible with awesome WordPress plunin MyMail
- 14 Repeatable module for both Campaign Monitor, MailChimp and MyMail
- 1/1 Content
- 1/2 Panel [Right Text]
- 1/2 Panel [Left Text]
- 1/2 Box [Right Text]
- 1/2 Box [Left Text]
- 2/2 Panel
- 1/3 Box [Right Text]
- 1/3 Box [Left Text]
- 1/3 Panel [Right Text]
- 1/3 Panel [Left Text]
- 3/3 Panel
- Package
- Table
- Logo-ads
Modular template
Modular style template easy to realign edit content customize color or even sending your campaign directly from the builder.
Demo video
- 6 file for Campaign Monitor and 6 file for Mail Chimp
– include Campaign Monitor tag : singleline, multiline, editable, repeater, layout.
– include MailChimp tag: mc:edit, mc:repeatable, mc:hideable mc:variant. - Regular html – 48 html(None MailChimp or Campaign Monitor TAG) include 7 layout style and 1 mix layout.
- Photoshop file – 6 psd file all layers are names and well organize with group and color label. and 1 icons.psd for easy custom color all image sliced ready.
- Documentation – include how to upload to Campaign Monitor and MailChimp. FAQ section
- MyMail – 12 compatible html file. include both index.html and notification.html for plugin
05/12/2014 V 1.4 - Update for StampReady files
- Fix link color issue when sending from StampReady to Gmail.
- Link color is now editable in each modules.(StampReady)
- Update all StampReady files add “Thumbnails” folder for faster loading modules.
- Fix layout alignment in Yahoo
- Export file from StampReady builder now editable in MailChimp too.
- Add file to support StampReady Builder
- Fixed button unable to removed in MyMail files.
- Fixed Outlook 2013 image padding
- Add 1/1 Panel module
- Initial Release
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