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v1.1, 2 December 2014- Added light version- typography fixed
V1.2, 21 December 2014- added new home page- added top-bar icons overlay- tabs fixed- flickr responsive fixed
# Features …
- 17 html Pages …{light+dark}
- Easy to customize.
- Modern layout
- Responsive.
- Clean And Commented Code.
- Font Awesome Icons.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Home.
- Home2.
- Music.
- Movies.
- games.
- gallery.
- tech.
- shop.
- grid view shop.
- list view shop.
- single shop.
- cart checkout (yourcart-shipment details-personal details-payment).
- list view blog.
- grid view blog.
- single blog.
- 404.
- contact.
# Credits …
# Images in preview are not included in the PSD or in the HTML version. ):
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