What people say about Little Neko products
Excellent template and brilliant quick replies to support questions. Would recommend and also buy other templates if needed.astral_stroll
The range of template elements available is mind-boggling in the best possible way. Easy to use, great effects. Very happy.Darklighter
A lot of cool premade demo, very flexible and well documentedsach
This is an excellent piece of work. And on top the author does everything to optimize and improve the site. The support is really great and I would highly recommend it. THX!annabellsche
A Creative & multipurpose HTML5/CSS3 Responsive Website Template build for real life content
Simple yet powerful
SPOONS uses Bootstrap 3 and our exclusive Little Neko CSS framework. Already used in our best selling Edena template, the framework is robust, flexible and easy to use.
Give a unique touch to your project, make a impact, impress your customers with a modern, professional looking website!
Express your own creativity with included components and smart addons. Spoons provides all you need to display your content in the best way, starting with unqiue pre-made layouts that you can easily mix and match.Well coded and well documented, this awesome premium HTML website template is the ideal tool for any project, from showcase to small or large business.
- Functionnal contact form (Little Neko contact form)
- Google map
- Revolution Premium Slider (14$ value)
- Clean minimal Pop up
- Free textures pack
- Easy to use ultra-responsive carousel plugin
- Retina ready UI
- Custom icons fonts set, easy to expand with hundred of icons
- Fast and accurate support
- and more…
Google WebFonts
Libre Baskerville https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Libre+BaskervilleOpen sans https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans
JS Plugins
Revolution Slider http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-jquery-plugin/2580848
Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
Easing http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
Owl carousel http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/
Magnific Pop up http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
Little Neko AJAX Contact Form http://little-neko.com
Icons set : themify icons (include in a fontello set for easy customization).
Demo images (NOT included in the package)
v1.1- updated documentation
- updated featured page
- fixed tabs standard
- fixed modal box position
- added 4 layouts
More from the Nekos
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